Melodies for various zemirot.
Click on the title of the zemer, below.
(Italicized titles not yet live)
Dror Yikra ("Yemenite" actually from nearby Aden)
Dror Yikra (Syrian melody)
Dror Yikra (Georgian melody)
Ki Eshmera (Yemenite) (counterpoint)*
Ki Eshmera (Turkish)
Mah Yedidut (origin unknown, Hasidic style)
Menucha v'Simcha
Tzur Mishelo (Irish melody)
Yah Ribon (popular American variant;
melody #11 in Levin's Zemirot Anthology)
Yah Ribon (Yemenite melody)
Yom Shabbaton (Yona Matz'ah)
Yom Zeh L'Yisrael (Moroccan melody)
*Yemenites sing this song for both Ahavat Hadassah and
Ki Eshmera. This recording contains a commonly used counter-melody for this song. It starts with the counter-melody, then the main melody comes in. Listen to this to help learn the counter-melody.