Friday April 13Diverse Perspectives of Shir Hashirim
Congr. Shaare Zedek 212 West 93 St. [betw B'way & Amsterdam]
7:45 pm Shabbat and YomTov Dinner
8:45 pm Program: Diversity of Perspectives and Interpretations Dinner: $38. seeRegisterpage for details.
Saturday April 14 Shir Hashirim Song-Fest
Congr. Ansche Chesed 251 W. 100 St. (near West End Ave)
12:30 pm Lunch: $35. seeRegisterpage for details. 2:00-6:00The Shir Hashirim Sing-athon -- A Feast of Songs
2:00 pm The Song-Fest begins. 4:00 pm Halfway point, come join us!
5:30 pm Climax and conclusion. 6:00 pm Clean-up [and Mincha]
Sat evening, 6:30-8:30 pm Mashiach Meal (private home, W. 97 St)
(no charge, RSVP if you intend to come. )
Sun. April 15 7:00 -11:00 pm Israeli Dances of Shir Hashirim
at Bridge for DANCE by Rikuday Dor Rishon
2726 Broadway, at 104 St. Admission: $10
Shir the Song of SongsShir Hashirim exploring its diverse dimensions